As a people who are living in this world, have to face more problems in our day to day life due to the various factors. We know about question and Answers. In our life everyday we have been finding solutions. Every Question should have rational answers because of every problem has one or more grounds. As intelligent peoples we should find the source of the reasons for arisen problems and try to solve it through the knowledge.
Our great teacher has disclosed about main problems that should be face every creature in their life, but unfortunately they couldn’t see those problems due to the ignorance. In Simply ignorance means we couldn’t see the real situation of the problem due to various factors in our mind. So now we will try to understand these problems.
Actually, do we have issues in our life? Your answer should be “YES”
As secular peoples we consider following things as a problems.
- Not getting Good Foods
- Not getting good friends
- Not getting good Jobs
Ø In briefly not receiving luxurious items or semi luxurious items.
But our great teacher has explained those are not huge problems. As creatures we have to face huge problems in our sanasara. What are those problems?
First one is Birth.
In our normal life we may happy while considering new born babies. We much love to them and we wish to them for their future positive endeavors, but when we concerned very profoundly why we should wish to them or pray to them for their future endeavors. Because of they have risk on their life. When we concern this doctoring very deeply we have risk in every moment in every minute this minute also.
What are the other problems?
Getting old is other problem.
Do you suffering this problem? Your answer is definitely “YES”, but you didn’t care it. You may know our life is like a river in every moment it is changing we can’t see one river twice in our life Because of the changing.
You can see this problem through yourself. Now you compare your childhood and present situation of your life. You can realize it very clearly now you have changed physically as well as mentally. In this period of life you may unwell injured suffered due to the lot of reasons. At those situations you may find out the remedies to overcome your problems but all remedies are temporary it may be associated with situation so now you may have small idea about this changing & getting old that couldn’t control.
Third one is death.
If someone born in this world he has a definite present that is gifted by the nature. Actually that is death. Every one should face to it. No one can prevent this. But if we intellectual we can stop this problem. There is a special way to eradicate this problem.
If we see the world very carefully we can see two things in every event. Black & White, Happy & Unhappy, Profit & Loss, Men & Women Like that there is a way to birth and session of the birth. So if you drive your boat towards to eliminate this problem you can win this samsara (Cycle of the Birth) and also you can truly satisfy your life while removing all worries. That is not temporary satisfaction that is permanent satisfaction. So Buddhism drives you to permanent pleasure.
Why we should take temporally insurance, drive your boat towards to permanent Insurance.
If we see the world very carefully we can see two things in every event. Black & White, Happy & Unhappy, Profit & Loss, Men & Women Like that there is a way to birth and session of the birth. So if you drive your boat towards to eliminate this problem you can win this samsara (Cycle of the Birth) and also you can truly satisfy your life while removing all worries. That is not temporary satisfaction that is permanent satisfaction. So Buddhism drives you to permanent pleasure.
Why we should take temporally insurance, drive your boat towards to permanent Insurance.
By Kasun Gayasri
Special Gratitude to Ven.Kiribathgoda Ganananda thero and Ven. Pitiduwe Siriddamma thero
May the Triple gem Blessed you…!!!